13th Days of Frane Petrić

Philosophy and Education in Contemporary Society

International Symposium


Dear participants in the Philosophy and Education in Contemporary Society Symposium,

I thank you for the forwarded summaries of your presentations. I am informing you that we are in the midst of preparing the symposium proceedings, which you will be given together with other materials upon your arrival in Cres. Also, you will be notified through e-mail of the symposium timetable as soon as possible.

I would also like to take this opportunity to clarify the details of both your arrival in Cres and your stay. As was announced in our initial invitation, the participants' accommodation and travel (within Croatia ) costs are covered by the Croatian Philosophical Society. For those of you who are travelling from Zagreb bus transport is organised on 19 September 2004 (Sunday) at 1 p.m. outside the entrance of International Hotel in Miramarska Street in Zagreb . Thus, those who are travelling from Zagreb to Cres and back will not have their travel expenses reimbursed. I kindly ask those of you who are arriving in Zagreb and would like to board the above mentioned bus to Cres to inform me of your decision by 1 September 2004 at the latest by sending me an e-mail to the address stated below.

International participants can either choose to get to Zagreb where they will board the above mentioned bus to Cres, or they can opt to directly arrive in Cres, Kimen Hotel; as is above stated, their travel expenses within the borders of Croatia will be reimbursed. Additionally, international participants who are arriving in Zagreb on 18 September 2004 will be accommodated in a hotel until our departure from Zagreb . The organisers will bear the cost of this accommodation. International participants will also be accommodated in a hotel upon our return to Zagreb on 22 and 23 September 2004 .

The travel expenses of those who choose to travel by car will be reimbursed at the price of a return bus-fare.

International participants can choose to get to Zagreb by either plane, train (Eurocity and Intercity) or bus.

Any persons accompanying the invited participants bear their own expenses. However, if they report their arrival to the organiser (to the following e-mail address: milan.polic@pu.htnet.hr ) by 15 August 2004 at the latest, their accommodation expenses will be arranged at a privileged price in Kimen Hotel for the duration of the symposium. These prices are:

  • double-room accommodation per person, all meals included – 155.00 HRK (approx. 21 €) per day
  • single-room accommodation per person, all meals included – 175.00 HRK (approx. 24 €) per day

These prices are valid only if the accommodation bill is paid on the spot and in cash, i.e. these prices are not valid for credit card payment. The number of persons accompanying the participants is not limited.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to notify me on time of both the number of persons (their full names) accompanying you and their accommodation wishes.

Best regards,

Prof.dr. Milan Polić, Chair